'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '数据表操作通用类 '部分操作要求数据表必须有名称为 前缀+id的递增字段 '需要指定一个打开的数据库链接 ' ' '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Class xTable Public Fields '字段(Array) Public fLmt '起始条目 Public nLmt '条数 Public Pre '表前缀 Public PM '主键 Public Mode 'sql模式,区别sql server(1)和access(0) Private Tbl '表名称(String) Private Value '需要添加或更新的值(Dic) Private sWhere '条件(String) Private sIden 'where条件最后的连接符 Private sOrder '排序(String) Private RsOrder '反向排序(String)用于分页记录 Private sGroup '分组 Private Rs 'RecordSet Private Count_ '记录集数目缓存 Private SQL '最后一次查询的sql语句 Private conn '用于连接数据库的连接 Private LastError '错误信息 Private BrackCount '子条件查询的未闭合括号数 Private bakBrackCount Public DelBack '列名,删除记录时返回这些字段的值供后期处理,数据保留在RetainArr中 Public RetainData '保留数据,Update更新后将旧数据保留在Dictionary中 Public RetainArr '批量更新或删除操作,将旧数据保存在二维数组中 Public InsertID '插入操作成功后返回插入新记录的ID Public numRows '返回批量操作影响的行数 '构造函数 Private Sub Class_Initialize Tbl = "" Pre = "" DelBack = "" '"image,thumb,picture,view,content,files" Mode = 1 fLmt = 0 ' nLmt = 10 '默认选择条目 BrackCount = 0 bakBrackCount=0 Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate If rs.State<>0 Then rs.Close Set rs=Nothing Set conn = Nothing End Sub Public Property Let ActiveConnection( c) Set conn=c End Property '获取错误信息 Public Property Get getError() getError = LastError End Property Public Property Get getSQL getSQL = SQL End Property '获取参数 Public Property Get Param( key) Select Case Lcase(key) Case "table","name" Param = Right(Tbl, Len(Tbl)-Len(Pre)) Case "where" Param = sWhere Case "iden" Param = sIden Case "order" Param = sOrder Case "rorder" Param = RsOrder Case "fields" Param = Fields Case "limit" Param = Array(fLmt, nLmt) Case "group" Param = sGroup Case "pm","pk","primarykey" Param = PM Case Else Param = Empty End Select End Property Public Sub Reset() If rs.State<>0 Then rs.Close Tbl = "" PM = "" fLmt = 0 nLmt = 10 Count_ = 0 sWhere = "" sOrder = "" RsOrder = "" sIden = "" sGroup = "" Set Value=Nothing Fields = Empty End Sub Public Sub ResetWhere sWhere = "" End Sub Public Sub ResetOrder sOrder = "" RsOrder = "" End Sub '设定表名称 Public Property Let Table( tb) If tb&"" = "" Then cError "xTable.Table: 表名不能为空" Reset tbl = pre & tb End Property Public Sub Trancate() Select Case(Mode) Case 1 conn.Execute "TRANCATE TABLE ["& tbl &"]" Case 0 conn.Execute "DELETE FROM ["& tbl &"] WHERE 1=1" conn.Execute "Alter table ["& tbl &"] Alter Column ["& PM &"] Counter(1,1)" End Select End Sub Public Sub InitFields() Dim F, I If IsEmpty(Application.Contents(Pre & "table_" & tbl)) Then SQL = "SELECT * FROM ["& tbl &"] WHERE 1<>1" rs.Open SQL,conn,1,1 ReDim fields(rs.Fields.Count-1) i=0 For Each F In rs.Fields Fields(i)= F.Name If PM="" Then PM=Fields(i) i=i+1 Next rs.Close If USE_APPCache Then Application.Lock() Application.Contents(Pre & "table_" & tbl)=Fields Application.UnLock() End If Else Fields = Application.Contents(Pre & "table_" & tbl) If PM="" Then PM=Fields(0) End If End Sub Public Function FieldExists( fld) Dim I FieldExists=False For i=0 To Ubound(Fields) If StrComp(fld,Fields(i),1)=0 Then FieldExists= True Exit For End If Next End Function '以下几个属性调用form后才能调用 '============================================ '过滤值,键名,类型,参数,不存在返回False Public Property Get filtVal( key, tp, l) filtVal = False If value.Exists( key) Then Select Case Lcase(tp&"") Case "1","number","n" '纯数字,l为默认值 If IsNumeric(value(key)) And value(key)<>"" Then value(key)=Int(value(key)) Else value(key)=l filtVal=True Case "2","date","d" '日期,l为默认值 If IsDate(value(key)) Then value(key)=Cdate(value(key)) Else value(key)=l filtVal=True Case "3","cutstr" '截取定长字符,l为长度 Value(key) = Left(value(key)&"",l) filtVal=True Case "4","limit" '限制长度 If Len(Value(key))>l Then filtVal=True Case "5","nohtml" '过滤html Value(key) = nohtml(Value(key)) filtVal=True Case "6","encodehtml" '编码html Value(key) = Server.HTMLEncode(Value(key)) filtVal=True Case "7","bool","boolean","b" '转换布尔值,l为true的等价 value(key) = value(key)=l filtVal=True Case "8","invalue" '值在范围内,l为数组,不在时取第一个值 If Value(key)="" Then Value(key)=l(0) Else If InStr("|"&Join(l,"|")&"|","|"&Value(key)&"|")<1 Then Value(key)=l(0) End If End If Case "9","state" '状态值设置 If Value(key)="1" Then Value(key) = 1 Else Value(key) = 0 End If Case "10","noxss" 'XSS过滤 Value(key) = noXSS(Value(key)) End Select End If End Property '设定值 Public Property Let Item( key, val) If value.Exists( key) Then value(key) = val Else value.Add key, val End If End Property '获取值 Public Default Property Get Item( key) If Value.Exists( key) Then Item = Value(key) Else Item = "" End If End Property Public Function Exists( fld) Exists= Value.Exists(fld) End Function '删除不需更新的值并返回 Public Function DelItem(key) If Value.Exists( key) Then DelItem = Value(key) Value.Remove(key) Else DelItem = Empty End If End Function '=========================================== '从form或其它类Dictionary获取对应值,传入表列名的数组 Public Sub Form( f, Dic) check Dim I If Not IsArray(f) Then f=Fields Set value = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") value.CompareMode = 1 '文本比较模式,不区分大小写 If TypeName(Dic)="Dictionary" Or TypeName(Dic)="IRequestDictionary" Then For i=0 To Ubound(Fields) If Not IsEmpty(Dic(Fields(i))) Then value.Add Fields(i),CStr(Dic(Fields(i))) End If Next End If End Sub '开启子条件 Public Function OpenBrack(l) sIden = sIden & String(l,"(") bakBrackCount = bakBrackCount+l '暂存开启数目,在调用之后才添加上去 'BrackCount = BrackCount + l End Function '结束子条件 Public Function CloseBrack(l) If l>BrackCount Then l=BrackCount sWhere = sWhere & String(l,")") BrackCount = BrackCount - l End Function Public Function CheckBrack() If BrackCount>0 Then sWhere = sWhere & String(BrackCount,")") End If End Function '解析where条件 '格式一,直接使用where字符串(不含where) '格式二,使用id作为主键条件 '格式三,使用数组,特殊的连接符会强制类型(如:位操作强制数值,like强制字符,in强制字符或数字) 'Array( ' Array("键名","值"[,值类型s[,连接符=[,后向连接AND]]]), ' "键名=值" ' 主键值 ' … ') '值类型s(字符串),i(数字),b(布尔),d(日期) Public Property Let Where(ByVal wh) If Not IsArray(wh) Then If Trim(wh&"")<>"" Then If IsNumeric(wh) Then wh= Array(Array(PM, wh,"I", "=", "AND")) Else Exit Property End If End If If IsArray(wh) Then If sWhere="" Then sWhere=" WHERE " Dim I, j, comp, vType, l, continue, sIdenExp If Not IsArray(wh(0)) Then If RegTest("^[\w\d]+$",wh(0)&"") Then wh = Array(wh) End If End If For i=0 To Ubound(wh) comp="=" vType="s" If IsArray(wh(i)) Then l=Ubound(wh(i)) If l<1 Then cError "xTable.Where: 条件传入格式不正确" 'If Len(wh(i)(1))>100 Then cError "xTable.Where: 查询值太长,不能超过100个字符" If sIden<>"" Then sWhere=sWhere & sIden If InStr(sIden,"(")>0 Then BrackCount = BrackCount + bakBrackCount bakBrackCount = 0 End If End If '检查操作符 If l>2 Then comp=Ucase(Trim(wh(i)(3))) '检查值类型 If l>1 Then vType=wh(i)(2) continue = True '拼接操作符 Select Case comp Case "=",">","<",">=","<=","<>" sWhere = sWhere & "["& wh(i)(0) &"] "& comp &" " Case "BAND","BOR","BXOR" vType="I" sWhere = sWhere & "(["& wh(i)(0) &"] " & comp &" "& parseInt(wh(i)(1)) &") = " Case "LIKE" vType="s" sWhere = sWhere & "["& wh(i)(0) &"] LIKE " Case "INSTR" continue = False vType="s" sWhere = sWhere & " CHARINDEX('"& Escape(Trim(wh(i)(1))) &"',["& wh(i)(0) &"])>0 " Case "IN" continue = False sWhere = sWhere &" ["& wh(i)(0) &"] IN (" If Not IsArray(wh(i)(1)) Then wh(i)(1)=Split(wh(i)(1)&"",",") End If Select Case vType Case "I" For j=0 To Ubound(wh(i)(1)) wh(i)(1)(j)= parseLng(wh(i)(1)(j)) Next sWhere = sWhere & Join(wh(i)(1),", ") Case Else For j=0 To Ubound(wh(i)(1)) wh(i)(1)(j)= Escape(Trim(wh(i)(1)(j))) Next sWhere = sWhere &"'"& Join(wh(i)(1),"', '") &"' " End Select sWhere = sWhere &") " Case "BETWEEN" continue = False wh(i)(1) = Split(wh(i)(1)&",",",") If vType = "I" Then wh(i)(1)(0) = parseInt(wh(i)(1)(0)) wh(i)(1)(1) = parseInt(wh(i)(1)(1)) Else wh(i)(1)(0) = "'"&Escape(wh(i)(1)(0))&"'" wh(i)(1)(1) = "'"&Escape(wh(i)(1)(1))&"'" End If sWhere = sWhere & "["& wh(i)(0) &"] BETWEEN "& wh(i)(1)(0) &" AND "& wh(i)(1)(1) Case Else cError "xTable.Where: 暂时不支持的数据库操作:"& comp End Select If continue Then Select Case vType Case "I" sWhere = sWhere & parseLng(wh(i)(1)) &" " Case "b" sWhere = sWhere & Cbol(wh(i)(1)) &" " Case Else 's sWhere = sWhere &"'"& Escape(wh(i)(1)) &"' " End Select End If sIden = " AND " If l>3 Then If Ucase(Trim(wh(i)(4)))="OR" Then sIden = " OR " End If End If ElseIf wh(i)&""<>"" Then If sIden<>"" Then sWhere=sWhere & sIden If IsNumeric(wh(i)) Then sWhere=sWhere & "["& PM &"]="& parseLng(wh(i)) Else '提取条件结尾的连接符 Set sIdenExp=REObject("\s+(and|or)\s*$","I").Execute(wh(i)) If sIdenExp.Count>0 Then wh(i) = Left(wh(i), sIdenExp.Item(0).FirstIndex) sIden = " "&Ucase(Trim(sIdenExp.Item(0).Value))&" " Else sIden = " AND " End If sWhere=sWhere & wh(i) End If End If Next Else If sWhere="" Then sWhere=" WHERE " Else sWhere=sWhere & sIden End If '提取条件结尾的连接符 Set sIdenExp=REObject("\s+(and|or)\s*$","I").Execute(wh) If sIdenExp.Count>0 Then wh = Left(wh, sIdenExp.Item(0).FirstIndex) sIden = " "&Ucase(Trim(sIdenExp.Item(0).Value))&" " Else sIden = " AND " End If sWhere = sWhere & wh End If End Property '排序,注意:如果是分页记录,排序的字段一定要在选取的字段内有 '格式一,直接使用单个字段,默认为ASC 如: "id" '格式二,使用数组 如:Array("id asc","date desc") '格式三,直接指字排序字符串(不含order)如: "id asc, date desc" Public Property Let Order(ByVal od) Dim Mth, oMth If IsArray(od) Then od = Join(od, ", ") End If Set oMth=REObject("(?:\b|\[)([\w\d]+)(?:\]|\b)(?:\s+(asc|desc)\b)?","ig").Execute(od) For Each Mth In oMth If sOrder<>"" Then sOrder = sOrder &", " If RsOrder<>"" Then RsOrder = RsOrder &", " sOrder = sOrder &" ["& Mth.subMatches(0) &"] " RsOrder = RsOrder &" ["& Mth.subMatches(0) &"] " If IsEmpty(Mth.subMatches(1)) Or Ucase(Mth.subMatches(1))="ASC" Then sOrder = sOrder & " ASC " RsOrder = RsOrder & " DESC " Else sOrder = sOrder & " DESC " RsOrder = RsOrder & " ASC " End If Next End Property Public Property Let Group(ByVal gp) Dim Mth, oMth If IsArray(gp) Then od = Join(gp, ", ") End If Set oMth=REObject("(?:\b|\[)([\w\d]+)(?:\]|\b)","g").Execute(gp) For Each Mth In oMth If sGroup<>"" Then sGroup = sGroup &", " Else sGroup = " GROUP BY " End If sGroup = sGroup &" ["& Mth.subMatches(0) &"] " Next End Property '使用Array传参必须传两个 Public Property Let Limit( lmt) If IsArray(lmt) Then fLmt = lmt(0) nLmt = lmt(1) ElseIf InStr(lmt,",")<1 And IsNumeric(lmt) Then fLmt = 0 nLmt = Int(lmt) ElseIf InStr(lmt&"",",")>0 Then lmt = Split(lmt,",") fLmt = Int(lmt(0)) nLmt = Int(lmt(1)) End If End Property '更新单个记录,返回旧的内容以便处理文件 Public Property Get Update( id) Dim I, c Update = False On Error Resume Next If Trim(id)<>"" Then Where=id LastError = "" SQL = "SELECT "& sField(Value) &" FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere rs.Open SQL, conn,1,3 Set c = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") If Not rs.EOF Then 'If PM<>"" Then delItem(PM) For Each I In Value c.Add I, rs(i).Value If i<>PM Then rs(i) = AutoType(rs(i),Value(i)) End If If Err Then Exit For Next If Err Then LastError = Err.Number &":"& Err.Description Err.Clear Else rs.Update If Err Then LastError = Err.Number &":"& Err.Description Err.Clear Else Update = True End If End If Else LastError = "xTable.Update:记录不存在" End If rs.Close Set RetainData = c On Error GoTo 0 End Property '编辑记录,返回可编辑的Recordset Public Property Get Edit( fl) Set Edit=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") SQL = "SELECT "& sField(fl) &" FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere Edit.Open SQL,conn,1,3 End Property '按ID删除记录,返回一个包含了指定字段的二维数组,如果没有包含这些字段,则返回删除的数目 Public Property Get Delete( idn) Delete=False Dim I, id On Error Resume Next If IsArray(idn) Then id=Join(idn, ", ") Else id=idn End If If id="" Or Not TestBat(id) Then Exit Property Dim backf backf = CheckFields(DelBack) If IsArray(backf) Then RetainArr = Conn.Execute("SELECT "& sField(backf) &" FROM ["& tbl &"] WHERE ["& PM &"] IN("& id &")").GetRows End If SQL = "DELETE FROM ["& tbl &"] WHERE ["& PM &"] IN("& id &")" Conn.Execute SQL, I If Err Then LastError = Err.Number &":"& Err.Description Else numRows = I Delete=True End If End Property '插入记录,返回插入的ID Public Property Get Insert Insert=False Dim I On Error Resume Next SQL = "SELECT "& sField(value) &" FROM ["& tbl &"] WHERE 1<>1" rs.Open SQL, conn,1,3 rs.AddNew For Each I In Value If i<>PM Then rs(i) = AutoType(rs(i),Value(i)) End If Next If Err Then rs.CancelUpdate LaseError = Err.Number &":"& Err.Description Err.Clear Else rs.Update If Err Then LastError = Err.Number &":"& Err.Description Err.Clear Else InsertID=conn.Execute("SELECT MAX(["& PM &"]) FROM ["& tbl &"]")(0) Insert=True End If End If rs.Close On Error Goto 0 End Property '批量更新,返回更新影响的数目 Public Property Get BatchUpdate( val, wh) Where = wh If val="" Then val = ValueToVal(value) End If SQl = "UPDATE ["& tbl &"] SET "& val & sWhere conn.Execute SQL,BatchUpdate End Property Private Function ValueToVal(value) Dim vals, Field, EditRs, oWer, val oWer = sWhere sWhere = " 1<>1" Set EditRs = Edit(value) sWhere = oWer For Each Field In EditRs.Fields If vals<>"" Then vals=vals &", " val = AutoType(Field,Value(Field.Name)) If TypeName(val)="String" Then vals = vals &"["& Field.Name &"]='"& val &"'" ElseIf IsNumeric(val) Then vals = vals &"["& Field.Name &"]="& val End If Next EditRs.Close Set EditRs=Nothing ValueToVal = vals End Function '批量删除,返回删除的数目 Public Property Get BatchDel( wh) Where = wh SQL = "DELETE FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere conn.Execute SQL,BatchDel End Property '检查某个字段是否有重复值,有则返回true,直接传入条件 Public Function CheckUnique( wh) CheckUnique = False Dim nWhere, nIden nWhere = sWhere nIden = sIden ResetWhere If Count(wh)>0 Then CheckUnique = True End If sWhere = nWhere sIden = nIden End Function '获取单条记录,不存在返回一个包含所有键为空字符串的字典 Public Property Get Record( wh) check On Error Resume Next Dim I, rd Where = wh SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 "& sField("") &" FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere & sGroup rs.Open SQL,conn,1,1 If rs.EOF Then Set rd = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") rd.CompareMode = 1 For i=0 To Ubound(fields) rd.Add fields(i),"" Next Else Set rd = rs.Clone End If rs.Close Set Record = rd End Property '获取记录集 Public Property Get Records( list) check Dim sFields If sOrder="" Then Order = PM sFields = sField(list) '屏蔽超出错误 If fLmt>1 And Count_<fLmt Then fLmt=Count_ If fLmt<1 Then fLmt=1 If nLmt<1 Then nLmt=1 If fLmt<2 Then SQL = "SELECT TOP "& nLmt & sFields &" FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere & sGroup &" ORDER BY "& sOrder ElseIf fLmt>1 Then SQL = "SELECT TOP "& nLmt &" * FROM (SELECT TOP "& (Count_ - fLmt ) & sFields &" FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere & sGroup &" ORDER BY "& RsOrder&") a ORDER BY "& sOrder End If On Error Resume Next rs.Open SQL,conn,1,1 If Err Then cError "xTable.Records:错误<br />SQL:"& SQL &"<br />" End If Set Records=rs.Clone rs.Close End Property Public Property Get Count( wh) Where = wh SQL = "SELECT COUNT(0) FROM ["& tbl &"]"& sWhere & sGroup On Error Resume Next Count_=conn.Execute(SQL)(0) If Err Then cError "xTable.Count:错误<br />SQL:"& SQL &"<br />" End If Count = Count_ End Property Public Property Get Sum(fld, wh) Where = wh SQL = "SELECT SUM(["& fld &"]) FROM "& tbl & sWhere & sGroup On Error Resume Next Sum=conn.Execute(SQL)(0) If Err Then cError "xTable.Count:错误<br />SQL:"& SQL &"<br />" End If If IsNull(Sum) Then Sum=0 End Property Public Property Get stat(fld, wh, typ) Where = wh Select Case Lcase(typ) Case "sum","avg","max","min","first","last","stdev","stdevp","var","varp" SQL = "SELECT "& Ucase(typ) &"(["& fld &"]) FROM "& tbl & sWhere & sGroup On Error Resume Next stat=conn.Execute(SQL)(0) If Err Then cError "xTable.Count:错误<br />SQL:"& SQL &"<br />" End If If IsNull(stat) Then stat=0 Case Else stat = 0 End Select End Property '联表参数 'oTbl -- 表名称(不含前缀) 'tFld -- 联表时选取的字段 'Fld -- 联表时的On条件,外联表不需要 '外联表 Public Function Ojoin( sTbl, tFld) Dim xJoin Set xJoin=new xTableJoin xJoin.ActiveConnection = conn xJoin.AddTable "",Me,Array("id") xJoin.AddTable "Outer",getTable(sTbl,tFld) Set Ojoin = xJoin End Function '左联表 Public Function Ljoin( sTbl, tFld, Fld) Dim xJoin Set xJoin=new xTableJoin xJoin.ActiveConnection = conn xJoin.AddTable "",Me,Array("id") xJoin.AddTable "Left",getTable(sTbl,tFld), Fld Set Ljoin = xJoin End Function '右联表 Public Function Rjoin( sTbl, tFld, Fld) Dim xJoin Set xJoin=new xTableJoin xJoin.ActiveConnection = conn xJoin.AddTable "",Me,Array("id") xJoin.AddTable "Right",getTable(sTbl,tFld), Fld Set Rjoin = xJoin End Function '内联表 Public Function Ijoin( sTbl, tFld, FLd) Dim xJoin Set xJoin=new xTableJoin xJoin.ActiveConnection = conn xJoin.AddTable "",Me,Array("id") xJoin.AddTable "Inner",getTable(sTbl,tFld), Fld Set Ijoin = xJoin End Function '联合表 Public Function Union( oTbl) End Function '依次检查输入的数组中是否包含在该表已指定的列名中,返回被包含的列名数组 '如果没有,则返回False Private Function CheckFields( f) Dim AllFields, rtn(), I, j AllFields=Lcase(","&Join(Fields,",")&",") j = 0 If Not IsArray(f) Then f=Split(f,",") For i=0 To Ubound(f) f(i)=Lcase(Trim(f(i))) If InStr(AllFields,","&f(i)&",")>0 Then ReDim Preserve rtn(j) rtn(j) = f(i) j = j+1 End If Next If j<1 Then CheckFields = False Else CheckFields = rtn End If End Function '组装选择字段 Private Function sField( f) Dim I, a, j If TypeName(f)="Dictionary" Then a = f.Keys Else If IsArray(f) Then a = f ElseIf Len(Trim(f&""))>0 Then a = Split(f,",") Else a = Fields End If End If '去除空字符 For i=0 To Ubound(a) a(i)=Trim(a(i)) Next sField = " ["& Join(a, "], [")&"] " End Function '安全编码sql字符串,用于查询 Private Function Escape( str) '删除不可见字符 '转义单引号 Escape = Replace(str,"'","''") End Function '自动过滤字段类型 Private Function AutoType( Fld, val) Select Case Fld.Type Case adEmpty:AutoType = Empty Case adTinyInt,adUnsignedTinyInt AutoType = parseInt(val) If AutoType>255 Or AutoType<0 Then AutoType=0 End If Case adSmallInt AutoType = parseInt(val) If AutoType>32767 Or AutoType<-32768 Then AutoType=0 End If Case adInteger,adUnsignedInt:AutoType = parseInt(val) Case adBigInt,adUnsignedBigInt:AutoType = parseLng(val) 'Case adUnsignedTinyInt:AutoType = "TinyInt" 'UnsignedTinyInt Case adUnsignedSmallInt AutoType = parseInt(val) If AutoType>65535 Or AutoType<0 Then AutoType=0 End If 'Case adUnsignedInt:AutoType = "UnsignedInt" 'Case adUnsignedBigInt:AutoType = "UnsignedBigInt" Case adSingle:AutoType = parseSng(val) 'Single Case adDouble:AutoType = parseDbl(val) 'Double Case adCurrency:AutoType = parseCur(val) 'Currency Case adDecimal,adNumeric:AutoType = FormatNumber(parseDbl,Fld.NumericScale) 'Case adNumeric:AutoType = "Numeric" 'Numeric Case adBoolean:AutoType = Cbol(val) 'Boolean Case adError:AutoType = parseLng(val) Case adUserDefined:AutoType = val Case adVariant:AutoType = val Case adIDispatch:AutoType = val Case adIUnknown:AutoType = val Case adGUID:AutoType = Null 'GUID Case adDATE,adDBDate,adDBTime,adDBTimeStamp If IsDate(val) Then AutoType = Cdate(val) 'Date Else 'If Fld.Value<>"" Then ' AutoType = Fld.Value 'Else AutoType = NULL 'End If End If 'Case adDBDate:AutoType = "DBDate" 'Case adDBTime:AutoType = "DBTime" 'Case adDBTimeStamp:AutoType = "DateTime" 'DBTimeStamp Case adBSTR:AutoType = "BSTR" Case adChar, adVarChar, adLongVarChar AutoType = AutoLeftStr( val&"", Fld.DefinedSize) 'Case adVarChar:AutoType = Left(val&"") 'Case adLongVarChar:AutoType = "LongVarChar" Case adWChar, adVarWChar, adLongVarWChar 'Wchar类型 SQL中为Text AutoType = Left( val&"", Fld.DefinedSize) 'Case adVarWChar:AutoType = "VarChar" 'VarWChar 'Case adLongVarWChar:AutoType = "Text" 'LongVarWChar Case adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary AutoType = Left( val&"", Fld.DefinedSize) 'Case adVarBinary:AutoType = "VarBinary" 'Case adLongVarBinary:AutoType = "LongBinary"'LongVarBinary Case adChapter:AutoType = Null '暂不支持 Case adPropVariant:AutoType = Null Case Else:AutoType = Null End Select End Function '检查错误 Private Sub check If tbl="" Then cError "请指定数据表" If Not IsArray(fields) Then cError "请指定数据列" End Sub Private Sub cError( msg) Response.Write msg If Err Then Response.Write("<br>Number:"& Err.Number) Response.Write("<br>Description:"& Err.Description) End If Response.End() End Sub End Class