<% '****************************** '类名:ArrayList '日期:2012-1-9 '作者:shirne '网址: '描述:模拟javascript中数组对象的 ' 一些功能和其它相关功能 '版权:可在程序中自由使用但请注明出处,作者 '****************************** Class ArrayList Private arrList() '内部数组 Private Sub Class_Initialize() 'ReDim arrList(0) End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Erase arrList End Sub '数组长度,读取 Public Property Get Length On Error Resume Next Length=UBound(arrList)+1 If Err Then Err.Clear:Length=0 On Error GoTo 0 End Property '数组长度,设定,小于1将清空数组 Public Property Let Length( L) If L<1 Then Erase arrList Else ReDim Preserve arrList(L-1) End If End Property '取得某个索引的值,索引小于0将倒序取,大于长度返回Empty Public Default Property Get Value(idx) Dim L L=Length If L<1 Then Value=Empty ElseIf idx<0 Then idx=L-(Abs(idx) Mod L) Value=arrList(idx) ElseIf idx>=L Then Value=Empty Else Value=arrList(idx) End If End Property Public Property Let Value(idx, val) If idx>=Length Then ReDim Preserve arrList(idx) End If arrList(idx)=val End Property '返回整个Array数组 Public Property Get Array() Array=arrList End Property '添加元素 Public Sub Push(v) Dim L L=Length ReDim Preserve arrList(L) arrList(L)=v End Sub '将元素插入ArrayList的指定索引处,原有位置及后面的元素都往后排,如果索引超出,将插入到最后 Public Sub Insert(idx,v) Dim I, v2, L L=Length If idx<L And idx>=0 Then ReDim Preserve arrList(L) For I = idx To L v2=arrList(I) arrList(I)=v v=v2 Next Else Value(L)=v End If End Sub '连接一个新的数组到最后 Public Sub Concat(arr) If Not IsArray(arr) Then showErr "参数不是数组(arr):ArrayList.Concat()":Exit Sub Dim I, nL, J, L L=Length If L = 0 Then arrList=arr Else nL=L+UBound(arr) J=0 ReDim Preserve arrList(nL) For I = L To nL arrList(I)=arr(J) J=J+1 Next End If End Sub '将一组数组插入到指定的索引处,索引大于数组长度,将插入到最后 Public Sub InsertArray(idx,arr) If idx = "" Or Not IsNumeric(idx) Then showErr "非法的参数:ArrayList.InsertArray()":Exit Sub End If If Not IsArray(arr) Then showErr "参数不是数组:ArrayList.InsertArray()":Exit Sub End If Dim I, L1, L2, J, L L=Length J=0 If L<1 Or idx>L Then Concat arr Else L1=UBound(arr) L2=L+L1 ReDim Preserve arrList(L2) For I = l -1 To idx Step -1 arrList(I+L1+1)=arrList(I) Next For I = idx To idx+L1 arrList(I)=arr(J) J=J+1 Next End If End Sub '从ArrayList中删除第一个匹配项 Public Sub Remove(v) Dim I,idx, L L=Length-1 idx = -1 For I = 0 To L If arrList(I)=v Then idx = I : Exit For Next If idx <> -1 Then For I = idx To L-1 arrList(I) = arrList(I+1) Next ReDim Preserve arrList(L-1) End If End Sub '移除ArrayList的指定索引处的元素,并返回该元素 Public Function RemoveAt(idx) If idx <> "" And IsNumeric(idx) Then Dim L L=Length-1 If idx >= 0 And idx<=L Then RemoveAt=arrList(idx) For I = idx To L-1 arrList(I) = arrList(I+1) Next ReDim Preserve arrList(L-1) End If End If End Function '从一个数组中移除从索引m到索引n的一段元素,并返回这段移除的数组 Public Function Splice(m,n) If m = "" Or n = "" Or Not IsNumeric(m) Or Not IsNumeric(n) Then showErr "非法的参数(m,n):ArrayList.Splice()":Exit Function End If Dim newArr(), x, L, I, J, B L=Length-1 If m > n Then x=m:m=n:n=x m=Min(L-1,m) n=Min(L-1,n) B=n-m J=0 ReDim newArr(B) For I = m To n newArr(J)=arrList(I) J=J+1 Next For I = m To L-B-1 arrList(I)=arrList(I+B+1) Next ReDim Preserve arrList(L-B-1) Splice=newArr End Function '清空数组,数组将变为空,效果与设定Length小于1相同 Public Sub Clear() Erase arrList End Sub '反转数组 Public Sub Reverse() Dim L, I, J, v, H L=Length J=L-1 If L > 0 Then H=Int(L/2) For I = 0 To H-1 v=arrList(I) arrList(I)=arrList(J) arrList(J)=v J=J-1 Next End If End Sub '使用指定字符连接数组的值 Public Function JoinBy(separator) JoinBy=Join(arrList,separator) End Function '返回ArrayList从m到n的一段数组 Public Function Slice(m,n) If m = "" Or n = "" Or Not IsNumeric(m) Or Not IsNumeric(n) Then showErr "非法的参数:ArrayList.Slice()":Exit Function End If Dim I, J, K, newArr(), L L=Length J=0 If L<1 Then Slice=Split("",""):Exit Function If m < 0 Then m=0 If n < 0 Then n=0 K=Min(Max(m,n),L-1) ReDim newArr(Abs(m-n)) For I=Min(m, n) To K newArr(J)=arrList(I) J=J+1 Next Slice=newArr Erase newArr End Function '查找值,返回ArrayList第一个匹配项的从零开始的索引。没找到返回-1。 Public Function IndexOf(v) Dim I For I = 0 To Length - 1 If arrList(I)=v Then IndexOf=I:Exit Function Next IndexOf=-1 End Function '反向查找,返回ArrayList的最后一个匹配项的从零开始的索引。没找到返回-1。 Public Function LastIndexOf(v) Dim I, L L=Length LastIndexOf=-1 If L>0 Then For I = (L-1) To 0 Step -1 If arrList(I)=v Then LastIndexOf=I:Exit Function Next End If End Function '显示错误 Private Sub showErr(errInfo) Response.Write errInfo Response.Write "<br />" If Err Then Response.Write Err.Number Response.Write ":" Response.Write Err.Description Response.Write "<br />" End If Response.End() End Sub End Class %>
<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> <!--#include file="ArrayList.asp"--> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>数据操作类测试</title> </head> <body> <% Dim arr Set arr=New ArrayList Response.Write "---创建新数组<br>" Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---添加元素,直接赋值,push方法<br>" arr(0)="第一个元素" arr(1)="A" arr(2)="B" arr(4)="C" arr(6)="D" arr(7)="E" arr(8)="第九个元素" arr.push("第十个元素") Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(0):"&arr(0) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---连接数组<br>" arr.Concat(Array("a","b","c","d","e")) Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---remove<br>" arr.Remove("a") Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---removeat<br>" arr.RemoveAt(10) Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---Insert<br>" arr.Insert 10,"xxx" Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---InsertArray<br>" arr.InsertArray 10,Array("yyy","zzz") Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---Reverse<br>" arr.Reverse() Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---IndexOf<br>" Response.Write "IndexOf(""xxx""):"&arr.IndexOf("xxx") &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---LastIndexOf<br>" Response.Write "LastIndexOf(""xxx""):"&arr.IndexOf("xxx") &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---Slice(8,12)<br>" newarr=arr.Slice(8,12) Response.Write "Slice Array:"& Join(newarr,", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "<br>---Splice(8,12)<br>" newarr=arr.Splice(8,12) Response.Write "splice Array:"& Join(newarr,", ") &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.length:"&arr.length &"<br>" Response.Write "arr(12):"&arr(12) &"<br>" Response.Write "arr.JoinBy:"&arr.JoinBy(", ") &"<br>" Function Max(a, b) If a>b Then Max=a Else Max=b End If End Function Function Min(a, b) If a<b Then Min=a Else Min=b End If End Function %> </body> </html>